Dark Multiverse Time Recap-sule!

Today, Mepps, NerdofPrey, Oceans and Megzilla showcased the brand new Dark Multiverse Time Capsule coming to the game tomorrow, and here is our recap on it displaying the contents at a glance!

Hawk’s Edge style Enshadowed gear & Enhanced version
(Dark Multiverse Hawkgirl controlled-inspired Lady Blackhawk.)

Black and White Neon Chroma Pack
(First ever tintable Chroma materials! Choice of Black or White. Rare drop!)

Collection Rewards:

Laughing Accessory
Thanagar’s Champion Helmet
Thunderstorm Aura

8 Emblems & Enhanced versions!

Bat Totem
Bear Totem
Bird Totem
Wolf Totem

For opening 15 Dark Multiverse Time Capsules: Starfield Window Ceiling Base Item

Thunderstorm Aura and 3 Emblems are Reactive, so their appearance changes when you are in combat. Thunderstorm Aura goes from white to grey and thunder strikes, Blackhawk & Dragonhawk’s eyes glow, and Smiling’s mouth opens.

Images below & Livestream Replay further below!

Comic Inspirations: Click each image to learn what inspired this Time Capsule!
Laughing Accessory - Joker’s Laugh
Thunderstorm Aura - Shazam/King Shazam
Arrowhead Emblem - Nth Metal Arrows used to fend off the Dark Knights

Credit: DC Comics