Suicide Squad Pack & Gift!
/New in the Marketplace: Suicide Squad Pack!
Channel your inner desperate-villain-forced-hero with the new Suicide Squad Pack! Included are styles, accessories, and more inspired by the members of the Suicide Squad:
Psychotic Style
Perpetual Motion Boomerang Accessory
King Shark Doll Accessory
Shark Fin
Shark Gloves
Bizarre Polka Dot Aura
Orbital BOP Uplink Device
Now available for 1500 Daybreak Cash (PC) or Marketplace Cash (Consoles), and 1350 DB/MC for Members! All items are Account Bound, and only Psychotic can be Style Unlocked on other characters for 4 Replay Badges each.
Free Gift: Starro Pet!
Everyone's favorite starfish-inspired cosmic villain Starro is back! In tiny pet form!
Log in between August 5 and August 19, 2021, to claim your free Tier 1 Starro Combat Pet, and take him with you wherever you go. One gift per account, account bound and binds upon equip.
Starro Combat Pet