Bonus Artifact XP and Source Marks Week!

Bonus Artifact XP and Source Marks Week!

Bonus Week Forty One! Survival Mode is on the way soon, so if you need to make an Artifact upgrade or swap, you are in luck! Artifact XP gains are DOUBLED this week when fortifying and ranking up your Artifacts. Any time you use Nth Metal or other Artifacts to add XP to your Artifacts, those gains will be doubled.

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Bonus Artifact XP Week!

Bonus Artifact XP Week!

Bonus Week 17 arrives, this time without any hints! Wonderverse is right around the corner, with the Wonderverse Key Art and Release Date now announced! Get your artifacts ready to go to save the multiverse! All week, Artifact XP gains are doubled when you fortify your Artifacts. That means any time you're using Nth Metal to add XP to and rank up your Artifacts, those gains will be doubled.

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Double Bonus Artifact XP Week!

Double Bonus Artifact XP Week!

Finally, the long awaited fourth bonus week of double Artifact XP gains when you fortify your Artifacts is here. That means any time you're using Nth Metal to add XP to and rank up your Artifacts, those gains will be doubled. Thinking about jumping into a new Artifact or finally getting that last boost into your current Artifact? Revved up to join the Birds of Prey? Have stacks of Nth Metal just laying around? Time to make the most of it!

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