Chat Limit: How to Communicate Within It
/DC Universe Online is an action combat massive multiplayer online game (MMO), and the two ways this MMO enables us to communicate with one another is through the Voice & Text Chat channels in-game, for those that tend to play without a microphone, there have been quite a few updates to text channel rules pertaining to the amount players can type and send to one another lately, especially as of Game Update 86 (GU86).
Max Text:
Communicate to:
Those in the vicinity of your character’s phase that you can visually see nearby within radius can read.
*GU108: Readable by both factions.
The entire phase area/zone/region of your character is in, that anyone in the same area/zone/region as you can read.
*GU108: Readable by both factions.
Only to the person you send the message to privately can read, regardless of range or phase.
*GU108: Readable by both factions.
The entire phase area/zone/region of your character is in, that anyone in the same area/zone/region as you can read.
Readable by both factions.
Those in the group formed with your character, only all group members can read, regardless of range or phase.
Chat Command:
/S or /Say
/T "Name", /Tell "Name", or /R "Name" and /Reply "Name" to Reply to a received Tell.
/V or /Versus
/G, /Group, /P or /Party
Faction Notation:
GU108: [H] for Hero & [V] for Villain beside name for Say/Shout/Tell.
All have a 140 character limit as of GU86, subject to change provided feedback. For Shout, Free players are limited to 5 chats per 24 hours and Premium and Members are not limited.
Max Text:
Communicate to:
Those in the entire server that are looking for groups, regardless of range or phase.
Those in the entire server that are looking to trade items, regardless of range or phase.
Those that are members who were invited to the League, regardless of range or phase.
Those that are members who were invited to the custom chat, regardless of range or phase.
Readable by both factions.
Chat Command:
/L or /League
Cycle through channels.
60 character limit, 30 second restriction between both channels. Trade requires at least Premium to be accessed.
980 character limit.
974 character limit.
Increased from 140 character limit in GU86.
Source: DCUO Forum Post