5X Bonus Stabilizer Week!
/Bonus Week Twenty Nine is here!
Enjoy 5X Stabilizer Fragments and the brand new Teen Titans Time Capsule simultaneously!
This week - from Thursday, November 12, 2020, through Wednesday, November 18, 2020 - all players will receive BONUS Stabilizer Fragments when completing the daily Stabilizer event in the On Duty menu.
Upon completion of the event, you will get five times as many Stabilizer Fragments than normally! The event rewards differently based on access level, as listed:
Standard Reward: 6 Stabilizer Fragments
5X BONUS Reward: 30 Stabilizer Fragments (two complete Stabilizers)
Premium Access Level
Standard Reward: 4 Stabilizer Fragments
5X BONUS Reward: 20 Stabilizer Fragments (one and one-third complete Stabilizers)
Free Players
Standard Reward: 3 Stabilizer Fragments
5X BONUS Reward: 15 Stabilizer Fragments (one complete Stabilizer)
It takes 15 Stabilizer Fragments to form one Stabilizer, used to open any existing Time Capsule. The event can be completed once daily. The standard Stabilizer Fragment rewards will go directly to your currency tab (as usual) and will be delivered in the loot window as two items: the regular cache of Stabilizer Fragments that you always receive and a bonus cache of Stabilizer Fragments with the appropriate bonus amount.
Please note: Bonus Stabilizer Week begins this Thursday with daily server restarts, and lasts through Wednesday to daily server restarts next Thursday.
DCUO Source Wall Bonus Pro-Tip & Calculations: It’s still more cost effective to purchase Stabilizers than Replay Badges during this weekend, as for 1000 DB (900 DB Member Discount) 350 Replay Badges: 350/87 (Cost to reset Stabilizer Event) = 4 Resets, then 4*30 (Maximum amount possible from 1 run as a Member) = 120 Stabilizer Fragments, then 120/15 (Number of Fragments required to make a Stabilizer) = 8 Stabilizers, whereas for 999 DB (899 DB Member Discount) you get 10 whole Stabilizers, and even more of a discount when comparing it to the 20 Stabilizer price.
For the 8 days this bonus is ongoing (must que for Stabilizer Fragmentation after server resets and before server restarts on November 19th for the 8th day), here’s a comparison of your normal Stabilizer accumulation against the 5X Bonus!
Normal: 48 Fragments = 3 Stabilizers and 3 Fragments
5X Bonus: 240 Fragments = 16 Stabilizers
Normal: 32 Fragments = 2 Stabilizers and 2 Fragments
5X Bonus: 160 Fragments = 10 Stabilizers and 10 Fragments
Normal: 24 Fragments = 1 Stabilizer and 9 Fragments
5X Bonus: 120 Fragments = 8 Stabilizers